My Christmas Corner

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Decorating is a Fun Part of the Holiday Season

There is nothing better than the very first day of December. The holiday season is my absolute favorite time of the year and I look forward to decorating for Christmas right after Halloween. I make myself hold off until the first day of December. Once that day shows up on the calendar, I start the official thrill of decorating for Christmas. I grew up in a household where Christmas was always a big ordeal. My mom decorated the entire house and some of the outside trees and bushes. Everything always looked like a page of a magazine. She loved doing it. I suppose I have the love for decorating for Christmas in my system because I definitely look forward to it every year.

I focus first on the outside of the house. I cannot stand when people decorate haphazardly and seem to just toss their Christmas lights on the bushes and trees. Take a few moments to look like you are organized and have pride in your decorating skills. When I am decorating for Christmas, I want my house to look like my mother's used to - elegant. I only use the white twinkling lights in all of my decorating. I secure the outside Christmas lights to their chosen bushes, trees and front porch, and then tackle the inside of the house. I have a gorgeous spiral staircase that I absolutely love decorating for Christmas. I wrap the white lights up the staircase banister. My husband loves when I decorate the staircase. We have made it a family tradition to pick out our Christmas tree. Last year, we decided to cut down our own tree and it turned out to be a memorable experience.

It was not an experience I plan on repeating. My husband, daughter and I decided to go tree shopping on an incredibly cold, snowy day thinking that it would further set the mood. Instead, we argued and froze for hours. Sure, we did find a wonderful tree but the entire day consisted of nitpicking and complaining. This year, we'll simply visit the local Boy Scouts tree sale lot and bring it home without any major hassles. The best part of decorating for Christmas is the tree. After the lights are perfectly placed, the fun begins. Each one of us has our own favorite ornaments that we have to place in the perfect location. Decorating for Christmas is not complete without the carols softly playing in the background. I can't help but love the holiday season.

Decorating for Christmas has been effective in not only being a seasonal hobby for me but it has also become something that my family looks forward to. It brings us together during the most wonderful season of the year.

Just becareful when you are decorating. It's fun to decorating but the most important part is try to decorate with safety.

Ho ho ho.....


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