My Christmas Corner

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Family Traditional Christmas Decoration

There is nothing better than the very first day of December. The holiday season is my absolute favorite time of the year and I look forward to decorating for Christmas right after Halloween. I make myself hold off until the first day of December. Once that day shows up on the calendar, I start the official thrill of decorating for Christmas. I grew up in a household where Christmas was always a big ordeal. My mom decorated the entire house and some of the outside trees and bushes. Everything always looked like a page of a magazine. She loved doing it. I suppose I have the love for decorating for Christmas in my system because I definitely look forward to it every year.

We have been able to keep up our tradition of over decorating for christmas because we have amassed a huge supply of christmas decorations over the years. Our basement and attic are both full of boxes full of christmas decorations. We drag them all out every November and cover every last inch of the house with green and red.

We use a lot of holiday stuffed animals when decorating for christmas and it adds a youthful touch to the house. It is important to us that we keep the spirit of childhood about us through the holiday season. Children are, after all, the ones who appreciate it most.

When decorating for christmas you do not have to spend a lot of money. You can make homemade christmas decorations for practically nothing if you use a little creativity. Do not forget about the christmas ornaments we all made in elementary school out of pine combs and colored yarn. You can never go wrong with a heartfelt and homemade christmas tree ornament.
If you are decorating for christmas and need a few more supplies, remember that the best way to get your hands on affordable christmas decorations is to go shopping for them right after christmas. Every store in every town will have left over christmas decorations and they want to get rid of them. Expect to see wild discounts on christmas items the weeks following the holiday and stock up so that you are prepared for next year.

Our family thinks that decorating for christmas is something the whole family does together. We like to brew up a little apple cider and put on an old christmas record to get us in the holiday spirit. Living in the Midwest it is easy for us to get into the spirit, much more so than people in areas that have never seen a white christmas.

If anyone have any special Christmas memory, please share with us. As you know the holiday season is all about loving, giving and sharing.

Have a happy holiday season.


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