My Christmas Corner

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Christmas Tree......

A Christmas tree is a must for the holiday season. Imagine if there no Christmas tree for the holiday. Then Christmas is not Christmas anymore. Beside the vision it gives us, it's the feeling that counts. When we look at a Christmas tree, it gives us a warm feeling of the holiday, the spirit of the holiday.

There is nothing more beautiful than the warm glow of Christmas tree lights. I love the way they illuminate the room. They set off such a soft and warm glow. When we use colored lights the hues dance off the walls and when we use white lights, they give off a soft golden glow.

Every year I find myself sitting by the tree with a cup of hot coca or hot apple cider completely enjoying the Christmas tree lights. We have several different sets of holiday decoration lights. Some twinkle, some stay on constantly, some fade up and down, some are colored and some are white.

As a child, I remember sitting in front of the decorated Christmas tree, completely fascinated. I thought that the Christmas tree lights were the most gorgeous things I'd ever seen. I'd turn off all of the lights in the family room and let the Christmas tree lights give the family room a peaceful and serene glow. Christmas was the best time of the year for me. I'd play holiday music and close my eyes, breathing the fresh pine smells.

Then there are the ornaments. With so many colors and combine with the lights of the Christmas tree. It's just so wonderful.

Everyone has favorite Christmas tree ornaments. Some choose them according to what it is, such as a favorite pet or favorite item. Some choose them because they may have been given to them by someone special. Someare just appreicated for their beauty.

I have favorite Christmas tree ornaments. Mine can be found in my entire hoilday tree. My husband and I began collecting any Christmas tree ornament that has to do with animals. We have every animal you could think of hanging from our tree.

If there is a Christmas tree in your living, I bet you that you will feel the difference when you step into the room. I just put my up over the weekend and it's so wonderful. I recommend that you put one up in your house. Everyone, especially the children will love it.

Merry "early" Christmas..... everyon

Monday, December 4, 2006

Finding Cheap Christmas Presents

Even though Christmas holiday is fun but the matter of fact is that Christmas is the time where you might spend most of you money and many people eventually went broke after the holiday.

I love the to find the best holiday presents for my love ones but at the same time I have to look over my wallet. I don't want to overspend. Here are few tips that you might consider using this Christmas to save you some money over the holday. These tips have worked for me and hopefully they will for you as well.

The first thing I needed to do to accommodate my incredibly tight budget, was to narrow down my list. We all have a list of people that we want to get presents for. However, sometimes that list needs to be revised several times. I tried to only list family and friends whom I need to get things for. Now, I have to find a cheap Christmas present for each of the people on my list. That's so much easier said than done. The task will be to find a cheap Christmas present for everyone that doesn't look cheap. I don't want people to be offended. I looked through some magazines that had some creative gift ideas in them and decided to mix creativity with my shopping. I picked a Saturday and hit the local strip mall. We have a local discount store that is actually an excellent source for finding some really nice things. I cruised the aisles for about an hour getting some ideas in my head before I decided to start putting some things in my card. I picked up some nice, but plain picture frames and knew that I could be very creative with them. I chose some basic colored scented candles and found some plain, but elegant wine glasses to add to my cart. I searched the aisles for some inexpensive baskets. I also bought cheap plain ornaments.

My favorite of all of the cheap Christmas gift ideas was to make things for the intended recipients. Whether it be some type of food or an item for the house, homemade presents are not only very appreciated but make a wonderful cheap Christmas gift that contains a great amount of love. If the recipient is a big fan of fudge, cookies or even cake - run with that idea. Fudge and candy can be made with little expense and lots of bowl licking for your family members. Once you have fudge or candy made, you can wrap it in festive cellophane or boxes tied with ribbon. Yummy treats are a wonderful way to win some points in gift giving. Making a cake is a great cheap Christmas present that can be just as delightful as candy or fudge. Find out your recipient's favorite flavor and make that. Add some creative decorating flair to it and it will be received with smiles.

Another idea that is to create a coupon book for someone. You can include coupons for babysitting, massages, breakfast in bed, car washes, dish duty, almost anything that the recipient may appreciate. This idea may work best for people who live in the same household and would appreciate you helping with chores or some extra attention.

These ideas have worked for me. It saves me lots of money but at the same time I still able to find the best Christmas gifts for all my love ones.

Merry "early" Christmas everyone.

Christmas Holiday Ornament Suggestions

In this post I'll post few of the Christmas ornament types that you might want to use to decorate your Christmas tree, inside your house, your your yard, etc.

  1. Angel ornament is one of the best ways in the holiday to really celebrate the Christmas spirit with you family and loved ones. When you put An Angel Christmas decoration up on your Christmas tree, it will show in the light with a delightful image of Christmas cheer. The things that I like most about a Christmas tree angel is the way that its innocence exemplifies the spirit of the holiday. Think about it for a second. The baby Jesus, the virgin Mary, the three wise men – nothing about Christmas is worldly or corrupt. It is all so nice and angelic that, whether you are secular or a real holy roller, you can not deny that the whole thing is made much better by an angel Christmas ornament decoration.

  2. African American Christmas ornament not only celebrates authentic African traditions, but also the styles and contributions of generations of African Americans. There is definitely a unique design in each of African American ornament which has penetrated the American mainstream as much as any other style that there is, and it seems like a shame not to celebrate it. I'd suggest that you make your own African American Christmas ornaments because it is the best way to celebrate your own heritage if you are an African American and if you are not of African heritage it is worth a try though.

  3. Any real bird or pet lover will appreciate a bird Christmas ornament to add to his/her decorative holiday collection. There are tons of options to choose from and many of the bird ornaments come in a variety of styles. You can even opt to create an original design for a bird Christmas ornament of your very own.

  4. The last few years we have made our own beaded Christmas ornaments to decorate our house during the Christmas season. We learned the beading techniques in a community education class. The beaded Christmas ornament is fun to make and they look very nice on almost anything from your Christmas tree to your yard decoration

These are types of ornaments, I have used for my Christmas decoration. I really love them and I'd recommend it to everybody. You can go online and search for more information about each of the above ornaments.

Have a good day eveyone

Christmas Day is Exactly Three Weeks Away

Hello everybody,

I hope you all have a nice weekend. Today is Monday December 4 and it is exactly three weeks away from Christmas Day. Twenty one days seem to be long but trust me it will go by very fast, faster than you notice. Especially, this time of the year when everyone is so busy.

Over the weekend, I went shopping with my parents. We want to buy Christmas decoration stuff. The mall in our town was packed. We still have 3 weeks before the holiday but many people feel they are behind with the holiday decoration already or at least I did.

I discovered that I had purchased a Christmas wreath at the end of the season last year. I had forgotten about buying it at the end of the season sales. It is a pre-lit Christmas wreath and is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. When I bought it I had thought we would use it by our light post at the front of the house. My parents could not believe that I had forgotten about this. Well like I said everyone is so busy this time of the year.

After we got back from the mall, we went through the many plastic storage container filled with ornaments, lights, figurines and other holiday decorations. We managed to fill two bins with items that we would donate to the local Goodwill store. The Goodwill store was very pleased that we were bringing in the items prior to the holidays. They said so often people made their donations after the holidays and then they had to store the items. This way the items would be available to the needy in time for the holidays. They were giving special appreciation gifts for those that donated any items. We had our choice of a Christmas wreath or evergreen garland. The wreaths and garland were donated by a local tree grower. We decided on the garland since we had the pre-lit wreath as well as the fresh Christmas wreath coming from the boy scouts. The garland was six feet long and would be a great addition to our mantel. My parents could not believe that we went to Goodwill to get rid of decorations and then came home with a new item. I of course was thrilled with the addition of the fresh garland for our home.

Anyway, I have such a wonderful weekend with my parents. We went Christmas shopping together. We decorated our house over the weekend and it was awesome.

Christmas is my (and for many many many other people) favorite time of year and I love everything about it. I can't understand why some people being cynical about it. It's what you make it, after all. I do understand that some people do feel being lonely at this time of year but I'm very lucky to have my family around me during this holiday season.

Stay warm everybody.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Christmas Ornaments.....

Christmas is the most popular, and hopefully, peaceful time of the year. Decorations twinkle and sparkle almost anywhere you go. Houses are lit up in the nighttime with outside lights reflecting off of the snow and the Christmas trees clearly seen in front windows. It's a wonderful time of the year.

I have always had trouble finding presents for everyone who is on my list. Since I work in a small office, I like to give my coworkers something small. I cannot afford to get everyone on my list what they may ideally be dreaming off for Christmas, but I try. Last year, I decided I was going to be creative and make something for some people. I saw a picture of a beautiful Christmas ornament in a craft magazine that I thought perhaps I could make. At least, I could make a Christmas ornament that would be unique to everyone. The supplies were relatively cheap. I went to a local craft store and bought paints and brushes. The Christmas balls that I choose were plain white or silver. I also bought some colored glitters that I may find a use for.

Any handmade ornament requires personal involvement and dedication even if it is very easy to do; one can learn cross stitch in minutes but it can take days or even weeks to complete a cross stitch Christmas ornament depending on what you are making. Some Christmas enthusiasts have a special cross stitch Christmas ornament collection, which consists of ornaments created every year. This Christmas hobby can get the whole family involved, which will make it merrier.

Christmas is all about being happy, kind and spreading joy around you so, if you want to make a personalized gift, a cross stitch Christmas ornament is the way to go; you can create your own little traditional Christmas gift for family and friends that you make yourself every year.

Merry Christmas

A Special Personalized Christmas Gift

I think that one of the sweetest things that you can do on the holiday is to get your loved ones a Personalized Christmas Gift. The right personalized christmas gifts can really do wonders for showing how much you care to your friends and family. And, the fact is that there are thousands of companies out there selling any kind of Personalized Christmas Gift that you can imagine to make your holiday spectacular. I know that it is really tough to find the right presence, but the chances are that if you can think of it, you can find a personalized version of it. From mugs, to pen sets, to xmas stationary, there is likely to be a Personalized Christmas Gift for almost every possible occasion.

You need to get inside the gift receiver's head. What activities, hobbies or crafts do they enjoy? Are they a music freak? A devourer of books? A birdwatcher? An aspiring ballerina? You can see the possibilities.

The more commercial gift possibilities lack character, and thus meaning. Maybe you are a teacher or a fishing enthusiast. Wouldn't a teacher love to receive a how-to book on college grants and scholarships, listing resources and solid information he or she could pass on to their students?

The fishing enthusiast will be happy to receive a selection of unusual fishing lures, or a book describing the regional fishing conditions and tips on luring the fish of choice.

The music freak is easily pleased. If you know they love classical guitar, Irish ballads or rap, find an unusual take on their interest.

It's easy to give a personalized Christmas gift to the devourer of books. Many readers are writers. A leather bound journal with an embossed monogram or favorite quote is a terrific personalized Christmas gift. If your reader is fascinated by the mystery genre, a book on writing mysteries may be the perfect personalized Christmas gift.

So no matter who you're looking to give a thoughtful gift with meaning, just put yourself in their shoes. What would make you feel as though the giver really thought about who you are? That's what makes a personalized Christmas gift.

Family Traditional Christmas Decoration

There is nothing better than the very first day of December. The holiday season is my absolute favorite time of the year and I look forward to decorating for Christmas right after Halloween. I make myself hold off until the first day of December. Once that day shows up on the calendar, I start the official thrill of decorating for Christmas. I grew up in a household where Christmas was always a big ordeal. My mom decorated the entire house and some of the outside trees and bushes. Everything always looked like a page of a magazine. She loved doing it. I suppose I have the love for decorating for Christmas in my system because I definitely look forward to it every year.

We have been able to keep up our tradition of over decorating for christmas because we have amassed a huge supply of christmas decorations over the years. Our basement and attic are both full of boxes full of christmas decorations. We drag them all out every November and cover every last inch of the house with green and red.

We use a lot of holiday stuffed animals when decorating for christmas and it adds a youthful touch to the house. It is important to us that we keep the spirit of childhood about us through the holiday season. Children are, after all, the ones who appreciate it most.

When decorating for christmas you do not have to spend a lot of money. You can make homemade christmas decorations for practically nothing if you use a little creativity. Do not forget about the christmas ornaments we all made in elementary school out of pine combs and colored yarn. You can never go wrong with a heartfelt and homemade christmas tree ornament.
If you are decorating for christmas and need a few more supplies, remember that the best way to get your hands on affordable christmas decorations is to go shopping for them right after christmas. Every store in every town will have left over christmas decorations and they want to get rid of them. Expect to see wild discounts on christmas items the weeks following the holiday and stock up so that you are prepared for next year.

Our family thinks that decorating for christmas is something the whole family does together. We like to brew up a little apple cider and put on an old christmas record to get us in the holiday spirit. Living in the Midwest it is easy for us to get into the spirit, much more so than people in areas that have never seen a white christmas.

If anyone have any special Christmas memory, please share with us. As you know the holiday season is all about loving, giving and sharing.

Have a happy holiday season.