My Christmas Corner

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Christmas Tree......

A Christmas tree is a must for the holiday season. Imagine if there no Christmas tree for the holiday. Then Christmas is not Christmas anymore. Beside the vision it gives us, it's the feeling that counts. When we look at a Christmas tree, it gives us a warm feeling of the holiday, the spirit of the holiday.

There is nothing more beautiful than the warm glow of Christmas tree lights. I love the way they illuminate the room. They set off such a soft and warm glow. When we use colored lights the hues dance off the walls and when we use white lights, they give off a soft golden glow.

Every year I find myself sitting by the tree with a cup of hot coca or hot apple cider completely enjoying the Christmas tree lights. We have several different sets of holiday decoration lights. Some twinkle, some stay on constantly, some fade up and down, some are colored and some are white.

As a child, I remember sitting in front of the decorated Christmas tree, completely fascinated. I thought that the Christmas tree lights were the most gorgeous things I'd ever seen. I'd turn off all of the lights in the family room and let the Christmas tree lights give the family room a peaceful and serene glow. Christmas was the best time of the year for me. I'd play holiday music and close my eyes, breathing the fresh pine smells.

Then there are the ornaments. With so many colors and combine with the lights of the Christmas tree. It's just so wonderful.

Everyone has favorite Christmas tree ornaments. Some choose them according to what it is, such as a favorite pet or favorite item. Some choose them because they may have been given to them by someone special. Someare just appreicated for their beauty.

I have favorite Christmas tree ornaments. Mine can be found in my entire hoilday tree. My husband and I began collecting any Christmas tree ornament that has to do with animals. We have every animal you could think of hanging from our tree.

If there is a Christmas tree in your living, I bet you that you will feel the difference when you step into the room. I just put my up over the weekend and it's so wonderful. I recommend that you put one up in your house. Everyone, especially the children will love it.

Merry "early" Christmas..... everyon


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