My Christmas Corner

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Christmas Holiday

Hello everybody,

It been awhile since my last post. I had been so busy over the holiday season and I hope each one of you have a great Christmas Day like I did.

The holiday season pasted by little too fast but anyway I still able to feel all the spirit of the holiday. I was able spend a whole weekend decorating with my family members. Got our house ready before Christmas. Right after Thanksgiving, I went for Christmas shopping with my parents. We bought Christmas lights, wreaths and other decorations. However, one thing can't be missed was the Christmas Tree. We bought one for about $25. We had our tree right in the middle of our living room. The best part of Christmas had yet to come.

The best part of this year Christmas was I was able to attend a dinner with most of my family and relatives. It has been awhile since we able to gather these many relatives to our house for a dinner. We have many things to thanks for but one thing we thanks for was that ALL members of my family and relatives are in good health.

I hope that we can do it again next year. No matter what traditional Christmas you celebrate, one thing you can't miss is your family.

Hope everyboday had a great Christmas Day and Happy New Year.

Welcome 2007.